Staying Healthy in 2020


Staying Healthy in 2020

Here are some of Dr. Singhal’s tips on how to set clear goals for 2020 and stay healthy in this year too!

Staying healthy is a constant battle. In today’s modern world, with all the different toxins and potentially hormonal disruptive chemicals in most of the food we eat, the water we drink, cosmetics we use, and in the environment we live in.

Set Clear, Realistically Achievable Goals

A typical error many people make is placing uncertain goals, to be achieved in the unspecified future. Rather, you should make your resolution distinct, with a solid, feasible result. A few examples of specific and sustainable decisions would be, for example, to drink enough water, to get enough sleep, or to wear sunscreen every time we spend time in direct sunlight. These goals, while obviously tiny, can add up to make a huge influence and help us grow healthier.


Some Tips On How To Achieve And Maintain Good Health

While a significant diet overhaul works for some people and the gym is a great place to get your fitness on, you don’t have to go vegan all of the sudden or commit to a long-term gym membership to get healthier. Small adjustments in our eating and exercise practices can soon combine and build-up to an enormous result. Here are some tips and advice, of what one needs to do to get healthier and fitter in 2020. These tips are proven to work for so many people before.

  • Acquire new hobbies 

  • Improve your communication and social skills by going out and spending time with old friends or making new ones.

  • Quiet down in stressful situations, think and then act.

  • Go to sleep on time, wake up early. 

  • Remove cellphones from the bed. Take the TV out of the bedroom.

  • Eat more fruits, drink a lot of water during the day

  • Go for a morning walk 

  • Travel. The money will not be an issue if you choose a destination nearby.

Consuming Too Much Salt Can Lead To Weight Gain

Many people consume much more than the recommended amount of sodium, putting them at risk of high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Average American eats about 50% more salt than suggested by medical experts. Naturally, most sodium we consume in the form of salt. Reduce your salt intake to a maximum of 5g per day, which is equal to about one teaspoon. It’s easier to do this by restricting the measure of salt in the meals we cook. Try and remove salt, seasonings, and condiments from your meal table; avoid salty snacks, and choose low-sodium products.


The Dangers Of Sugar Consumption

Consuming unnecessary quantities of sugars raises the risk of tooth decay and harmful weight gain. In both adults and children, the consumption of free sugars should be lessened to no more than 10% of total energy input. This is comparable to 50g or about 12 teaspoons for an adult. WHO suggests eating no more than 5% of total energy consumption for additional health advantages. You can decrease your sugar consumption by restricting the consumption of sugary snacks, candies, and sugar-sweetened drinks.

While we all love our food, eating until complete fulness is not so good for the body. Rather than eating so much, we should eat to the point when we feel satisfied and still capable to go about our day. 

Eating Too Much Can Make You Feel Constantly Tired

Gorging on food can lead to significant weight accumulation over time as you are producing a calorie surplus – consuming more food than your body can burn. If you’re uncertain whether you’re eating too much at mealtimes, lookout for a few usual symptoms.

Feeling exhausted, overly bloated, or lazy after big meals are all signs that we ate too much. You may also see yourself gradually gaining weight, fighting to perform your usual daytime activities, or just lacking rest throughout the day. If you’re concerned about wasting food, just try to cook smaller portions, or buy smaller meals when eating out.


Take Responsibility For Your Health

It’s much more comfortable to remain on track when you know people are watching, so discovering a way to hold yourself responsible on your route to health is a great notion. Contemplate finding yourself a gym partner, personal trainer, or even just establishing up a social media account to ensure you’re staying true to your new system.

Don’t be scared to share the lows, either – everyone copes on their way to becoming fit and that is no secret. Making sure you share your entire journey will make you feel much more satisfied with every milestone and you’ll be capable to see how far you’ve come.

Most importantly, sharing your intentions with others can make things much more fun! You’re proved to feel more motivated and less isolated along the way, making it much more comfortable to keep it going.